The Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs (OABA) is a statewide Organization whose purpose is to improve the political, educational, social, legal, and economic status of Blacks in Oregon. OABA knows "What Benefits Black Oregonians Benefits ALL Oregonians." OABA is nonpartisan and nonprofit, but it is political. We at the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs (OABA) are asking you to help us so that we can be a better political voice for Black Oregonians as well as all Oregonians.
Please click the button to make a secure online donation of any amount through PayPal, and note what your donation is to be applied to if you so desire.
General Donations are used for:
- Programs
- Operations
- Training
- Participation Scholarship
- Securing Office Space
- Office Operation
Suggested amount: $25, $50, $100, $500, $1000 (any amount you wish to donate to OABA is appreciated).
If you would like to be more specific about your donation, please print and submit the donation from.