The Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs (OABA), is a statewide Organization that was founded on April 9, 1977. The purpose of the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs is to improve the political, educational, social, legal, and economic status of Blacks in Oregon. It is a nonpartisan organization and a statewide nonprofit corporation committed to improving the status of Blacks in Oregon, placing major emphasis on building a better Oregon for the Black Community. OABA knows "What Benefits Black Oregonians Benefits ALL Oregonians" and this premise does not work in reverse.
OABA is an organization for change. OABA will work with other organizations serving the needs of Blacks in Oregon towards building a better Oregon for the Black Community. It is not the intent of the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs to replace existing organizations, which are working to achieve similar goals. Although OABA is a nonprofit, it is politically active and employs a political methodology to achieve its purpose and objectives.
To support and promote the development of competitive quality Black businesses whenever and wherever economically feasible.
To research the economical and community conditions of Blacks in Oregon, and recommend ways to improve such conditions.
To work for equal education opportunities for Blacks at all levels, and to eliminate all unequal education opportunities and inferior educational programs.
To research the availability of and disseminate information on employment opportunities at all levels.
To research the availability and financing of housing for Blacks.
To encourage Blacks to understand, participate in, and affect the political process at all levels of government.
To serve as a community liaison between elected officials and the Black Community.
To host an Oregon Black Political Convention during the spring of election years.
To encourage public officials to become more accountable, responsive, and productive to the Black Community.
To build a better Oregon for the Black Community.